Journey was super excited on Tuesday. It was graduation day for his Beginner Obedience class. He is a smart little guy and I would have had no concerns had we been practicing even half as much as we were supposed to. I have been having some back problems and I just have not worked with him as often as I should have.
One of the most important things we have been practicing is not getting out of the car until invited. Everyone has gotten a little rusty on that one – so every time we get back from the store or where ever we have been, they must wait until I get out of the car and then wait until I call each name. We have made a lot of progress, especially with Spirit and Quest, (who just needed a little reminder). Pirate has regressed a little because of Journey's influence. Journey, is not quite as good, to say the least. At home or at the store I can pretty much count on them holding their sit-stay. At the dog training building all bets are off with Journey. He was naughty! When I told him to sit and stay, he panicked when I opened the door. I closed the door and once again asked him to sit. He did, but when the door opened, he once more tried to come over me and out the door. He acted as if he was afraid he was not going to be able to go to his class. I kept closing the door and starting over, but he was not improving much, if any. He attempted to come over the top of my head, or to pass me in the driver’s seat. So embarrassing, he even honked the horn a few times as he attempted to squeeze past me. He was awful! I was so mad at him. He finally did make it past me. I shut the door, leaving him outside the car. (Of course I had the end of the leash securely inside with me). He was standing there wondering why I had not come out, I guess. He did not really look very frightened though and I wanted to make an impression on him. I actually think he would have gone on into the classroom without me if he had not had the leash stopping him.
I decided to start the car, to see if that might worry him. It may have made a slight impression, but I think the other guys were more concerned than Journey. He did try to peer in the door window. I let him worry a little while, but we had to get into the class, so I eventually got out and took him inside. In the future we will be going early and on the instructor’s advice, we will leave and go around the block if he tries that again. We are also doing a lot more practicing.
Once inside the building Journey was fine. He loves it there and he loves everybody and all the dogs. He especially loves Julie, our instructor. She asked if anyone had any problems with anything. There I sat with my hair scrambled, exhausted from wrestling with my naughty pup. She called on me and I just said “Journey” as the problem. They all laughed. That is when Julie suggested just leaving for a while when he acted like that.
He did graduate and Julie had spread out about 20 toys on the floor. Everyone got to pick one. I guess because Journey was the most vocal and excited, everyone said to let him go first. He must have sniffed and taste tested every toy at least a couple times. Julie finally said I might have to help him decide. He was happy and took his choice back to his bed.
The dogs all got treats and the owners enjoyed fresh fruit and cookies. It was a nice party. My little guy strutted out of there as if he were the star of the class. Oh well – can’t say he is not a happy guy anyway. Next Tuesday we start Intermediate Obedience class – we need a lot of luck!
At home, Quest thought that he would commandeer the new toy. He had it in his little pile of toys between his front feet. Normally no one challenges his authority but when Journey saw his new toy there he nabbed it quickly. Quest did not argue as he knew it belonged to Journey.
All in all it was a good day.