We got off to a late start on our camping trip on Sunday, but we arrived at Nehalem Bay State Park (Oregon) in time for Happy Hour. My daughter, Laura and her husband, Kevin were camped directly across from us in their new Airstream trailer. It is really beautiful. They had three delightful guests
from Australia, who had rented a giant RV and were touring the northwest. We all enjoyed chicken tacos for dinner and later sat by the campfire.
We are still waiting for our marshmallows ....
I could see that the dogs were fast adjusting to the schedule. We roasted marshmallows and told travel stories while enjoying good music from the sound system in the Airstream. It was after midnight when we finally went back to our RV and went to bed.
Quest in pup tent.
In the morning we did individual walks Because the dogs are at such different levels, it is easier that way - especially for the first walk in the morning. They do a neat trick, where Spirit stands in front of me, smelling foliage, and at the same time Pirate takes off and digs in to pull me as fast as he can - across the campground to some distant tree. It is actually kind of a funny scene, when it is over and I am just recalling it.
Spirit is senior and he goes for the first walk.
We walked the length of the our campground section - maybe a quarter mile. Next Quest and I walked about a mile (he is still on some restriction). Pirate and I went for a walk in the dunes, down to the beach where he saw his first horse up close. He did not seem too impressed. It was white, so maybe he thinks he will grow up to be like that too!
These dogs are good ambassadors for White Shepherds. They are good campers and love meeting people. They had no problem with being tied out under the trees, where they could watch people pass by and be with us. People stopped to photograph them and learned that Shepherds came in white! Amazing! All three of my boys are usually pretty well mannered, so they are fun to introduce to people.
Spirit & Quest
After two nights at Nehalem, we moved south, to Devil's Lake, near Lincoln City. On our first evening we all took a walk down to the lake. Laura walked Pirate, Kevin walked Quest, while Spirit and I brought up the rear. We are both seniors. At the dock we encountered a Golden Retriever that would not swim. Laura and Pirate were out on the dock, when I saw Pirate flying off the end of the dock, I heard Laura say, "sorry mom". She said she didn't know he would do that. Heck, I would not have thought he would do it either! As soon as Quest saw Pirate go in he was having a fit, so Kevin and I changed dogs and I let Quest join Pirate. They had a nice swim and the Golden Retriever seemed inspired by my water maniacs. He got up his nerve a little and managed to get in the water up to his knees, from the shore next to the dock.
When we got back to camp I decided to just feed the boys and leave them in the RV as they were not dry and I did not want them out on the cold ground after the sun went down. They were all tired, except maybe Pirate. So with full tummies they settled in and went to sleep. I was across the way at L & K's for dinner.
Strawberry shortcake.
I did not get back until about 12:30 and boy did Papa Bear (aka Spirit) chew me out. He was still grumbling in the morning but I sat by him while I had my first cup of coffee and I let him tell me all about what he thought of being excluded from the campfire. I think he is over it, but he still has not eaten the peace offering bone I gave him. Campfires are about their favorite thing, next to swimming, and I know they did not appreciate being left out of the campfire festivities.
Pirate has started joining me at the dinette when I am having morning coffee.
We had stopped at a cute little fresh veggie & fruit store along the way and got some wonderful apple dumplings.
Laura bought some of their fresh pesto. She made an incredible Caesar salad with smoked salmon and we had a side dish of Penne Pesto with white wine. Yum! Then she baked some brownies for a little dessert, with ice cream. Nice evening.
I think I see a fishy.
Yesterday Laura & Kevin rented a little boat and after taking Spirit and Quest for a good walk, Pirate and I met them down at the dock. Pirate had never been in a boat before. He followed me right into the boat and didn't even mind the rocking. He did want to go in the water though. I had to keep a pretty good grip on him for the first ten minutes or so as he was determined to go overboard and swim. After a while he got comfortable and seemed to enjoy watching Laura fish. I believe he thought Laura was going to throw the nice stick for him each time she cast her line. He restrained himself though and we all had a good time - no fish though!

Pirate needs a nap - good thing mom is soft, the boat is kind of hard.
When we returned the boat, there were some huge carp along the dock, begging for food. We got some corn and fed them so Pirate could watch them. I am not sure how well he could see them, and he did not seem overly impressed until they opened their mouths to grab food. It could have been my imagination, but Pi seemed much more worldly when we went back to our camp. I told him not to tell the other guys. Of course they have already done all those things and it was Pirate's turn for new experiences.
Spirit sleeping in
"Good morning sleepyhead"
I have not been out yet this morning, except to rinse the grounds out my coffee pot so I could make fresh coffee. I am sitting at the table with the door open out to our own private little yard surrounded by tall bushes. It is nice. Sun is shining and all is quiet with the camping folks except for an obnoxious little Yorkie that lives somewhere near us.
One of Spirit's favorite things is his little "pup tent". It is really a two dog tent and if the evenings are chilly I usually put it out near the campfire, with a blanket inside. Both Spirit and Quest love it. Pirate wanted to love it too, but he is kind of a klutz and they did not appreciate his company the night I brought it out. Spirit likes to just relax and contemplate the fire, or nap peacefully. Quest is respectful and gives Spirit plenty of space. Pirate just wildly enters the tent and does not respect anyone's area, so they usually boot him out.
Spirit is dozing. He got tired of listening to the woodpecker I guess. He occasionally opens his eyes to be certain I did not sneak away. Pi is on the dinette bench across from me and Quesy is under the table with his foot on mine. I love camping!